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- Vendor: Atomic Mass Games
Star Wars: Legion - Bossk
$19.99 USD
Skillfully tracking his prey across the galaxy using his natural trandoshan hunting instincts, boss has earned his reputation as one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. In the employ of the empire, he'll go to any lengths to bring down his targets on the battlefields of Star Wars: Legion. In the boss operative expansion, you'll find an unpainted, customizable Bossk miniature armed to the teeth and ready to be assembled brandishing his mortar rifle or ready to throw a dioxis charge. Accthankompanying him are a unit card outlining all of bossk’s unique skills, three command cards that help you use these abilities to the fullest, and three upgrade cards to further enhance bossk’s natural instincts.
Star Wars: Legion - Bossk
$19.99 USD