First Game Day 500 Pt Armies.
3-12 Squig League Roundup
This week's Squig Round Up covers our first game day of 500 pts an army!
Some folks showed up early to finish their armies, others were prepared and ready to rumble.
Here's some photos of our games and their final outcomes.
Death Guard Vs Tyranids- Papa Nurgle took the win.
Games were at a much slower pace, as we learned to play cutting out things like Command Points and Stratagem, putting more focus at understanding the stats and how they effected each phase

Orks vs grey knights an' 'da orks were 'plod'n but not gud enough. Knights Win
Grey Knights Vs Leagues of Votann
The League squatted, making it easier for the Knights to kick their butts.
Marines Vs Necrons - Necrons took the win.
We are all still figuring the game out, since this is the first time a lot of us have played 9th Edition, but everyone had an an awesome time.
NEXT Sunday Will be a hobby day and we'll be learning from friend of the store, Lane how to take our bases to the next level with easy to learn techniques. Stay tuned and I'll post pictures of our end results!